Saturs |
Pilna un nepilna laika klātienes studijas |
Nepilna laika neklātienes studijas |
Kontaktstundas |
Patstāvīgais darbs |
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Patstāvīgais darbs |
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1. Kuģu klasifikācija, kuģu arhitektūra un konstruktīvie tipi. Korpusa galvenie izmēri un forma. Kuģu būves tehnoloģija. Kuģu klasifikācija, kuģu arhitektūra un konstruktīvie tipi. Korpusa galvenie izmēri un forma. Kuģu būves tehnoloģija.
IMO Mod. 7.03 maintain the seaworthiness of the ship Construction,,, |
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2. Kuģi slogojošas slodzes, Korpusa karkasa sistēmas, materiāli pielietojamie kuģubūvē.
IMO Mod. 7.03 maintain the seaworthiness of the ship Construction,,, |
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3. Dubultdibena un sānu konstrukcija, saisti, sistēmas.
IMO Mod. 7.03 maintain the seaworthiness of the ship Construction,,, |
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4. Klājs, starpsienas vadņi, deidvuds.
IMO Mod. 7.03 maintain the seaworthiness of the ship Construction,,, |
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5. Virsbūves, lūkas, margsienas, durvis.
IMO Mod. 7.03 maintain the seaworthiness of the ship Construction,,, |
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6 .Kuģu iekārtas: stūres, enkura, pietauvošanas.
IMO Mod. 7.03 Ship Construction, A-II/1 Life-saving appliances and arrangements |
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7. Glābšanas un kravas celšanas iekārtas.
IMO Mod. 7.03 Ship Construction, A-II/1 Life-saving appliances and arrangements |
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8. Kuģu sistēmas to uzbūves principi, elementi, armatūra.
IMO Mod. 7.03 Ship Construction A-II/1 Fire-fighting systems |
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9. Kuģa korpusa forma, tās raksturotāji: galvenie izmēri, pilnuma koeficienti, teorētiskais rasējums. Kuģa korpusa teorētisko parametru aptuvenie aprēķini. Hidrostatiskās līknes un to tabulas.
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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10. Kuģa ūdensizspaids, dedveits. Kuģa masas centra koordinātu noteikšana to izmaiņas pārvietojot esošo vai iekraujot kravu..
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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11. Kuģa peldamība, Arhimēda likums, ūdensizspaida centrs. Iegrimes izmaiņa iekraujot mazo un lielo kravas. Kravas skala. Iegrimes izmaina mainoties ūdens blīvumam. Saldūdens korekcija (FWA). Peldamības rezerve, kravas zīme.
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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12. Kuģa sākumnoturība, metacentrs, metacentriskie rādiusi un augstumi, metacentriskās formulas.
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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13. Cietas kravas pārvietošanas ietekme uz sākumnoturību. Piekārto un šķidro kravu brīvo virsmu ietekme uz sākumnoturību.
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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14. Kravas iekraušanas (izkraušanas) ietekme uz sākumnoturību, neitrālās plaknes. Lielās kravas pārkraušana.
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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15. Galsvere, iegrimju noteikšana (IMO MSC/ Circ. 920).
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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16. Sānsveres tests. Noturība pie lielām sānsverēm, noturības plecs, statiskās noturības diagramma, tās īpašības, kuģa parametru un apledojuma ietekme uz diagrammas parametriem. Noturības diagrammas iegūšana uz kuģa.
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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17. Dinamiska noturība, dinamiskas noturības diagramma. Vēja statiskā un dinamiskā iedarbība uz kuģi.
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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18. Kuģa noturības normēšana. Noturības informācija kapteinim.
STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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19. Kuģa nenogremdējamība. Applūdušo nodalījumu klasifikācija. Caurlaidības koeficienti. Nenogremdējamības aprēķinu metodes.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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20. Kuģa korpusa dalīšana ūdens necaurlaidīgos nodalījumos.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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21. Kuģa noturība beramkravu pārvadāšanas gadījumā.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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22. Kuģa uziešana uz grunts. Dokošana
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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23. Vides pretestība kuģa kustībai. Pilnās pretestības komponentes.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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24. Berzes pretestība. Formas pretestība. Viļņu veidošanas pretestība.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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25. Pretestība seklajā ūdeni un šauros kuģu ceļos.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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26. Kuģa stāvokļa izmaiņas kuģojot seklā ūdenī. Navigācijas dziļuma rezerves noteikšana.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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27. Dzinekļu klasifikācija Dzenskrūvju ģeometrija. Dzenskrūves kinemātiskie raksturotāji.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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28. Dzenskrūvju hidrodinamiskie raksturotāji. Dzenskrūvju un spārna profilu kavitācija.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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29. Dzenskrūvju efektivitātes uzlabošana.
A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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31. Jūras viļņošanās raksturošana. STW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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32. Kuģa šūpošanās pamatjēdzieni. Kuģa šūpošanās mierīgajā ūdenī. Šūpošanas periodu noteikšana. STW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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33. Kuģa zvalstība viļņošanās apstākļos, rezonanse, regulārā, neregulārā viļņošanās. STW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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34. Kursa un ātruma ietekme uz kuģa šūpošanos, "šķietamais" viļņu periods. STW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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35. Diagrammas kuģa droša kursu un ātrumu izvēlei. STW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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36. Universālo diagrammu lietošana. STW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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37. Noturības izmaiņas viļņošanās apstākļos. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Statical stability. |
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38. Bročings, slemings, hidrodinamiskas slodzes uz kuģa korpusu. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Ship Stresses. |
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39. Parametriskā rezonanse. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Curves of statical stability. |
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40. Kuģa korpusa stiprība. Korpusa liece. Normālie un tangenciālie spriegumi kuģa garenvirziena saistos. Ekvivalentā sija. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Stress tables and stress calculating equipment (Loadicator) |
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41. Kuģa korpusa kopējās stiprības kontrole ekspluatācijas laikā. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Stress tables and stress calculating equipment (Loadicator). |
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