Saturs |
Pilna un nepilna laika klātienes studijas |
Nepilna laika neklātienes studijas |
Kontaktstundas |
Patstāvīgais darbs |
Kontaktstundas |
Patstāvīgais darbs |
1. daļa
1. Kuģa korpusa forma, tās raksturotāji: galvenie izmēri, pilnuma koeficienti, teorētiskais rasējums. Kuģa korpusa teorētisko parametru aptuvenie aprēķini. Hidrostatiskās līknes un to tabulas. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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2. Kuģa ūdensizspaids, dedveits. Kuģa masas centra koordinātu noteikšana to izmaiņas pārvietojot esošo vai iekraujot kravu. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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3. Kuģa peldamība, Arhimēda likums, ūdensizspaida centrs. Iegrimes izmaiņa iekraujot mazo un lielo kravas. Kravas skala. Iegrimes izmaiņa mainoties ūdens blīvumam. Saldūdens korekcija (FWA). Peldamības rezerve, kravas zīme. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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4. Kuģa sākumnoturība, metacentrs, metacentriskie rādiusi un augstumi, metacentriskās formulas. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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5. Cietas kravas pārvietošanas ietekme uz sākumnoturību. Piekārto un šķidro kravu brīvo virsmu ietekme uz sākumnoturību. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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6. Kravas iekraušanas (izkraušanas) ietekme uz sākumnoturību, neitrālās plaknes. Lielās kravas pārkraušana. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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7. Sānsveres tests. Noturība pie lielām sānsverēm, noturības plecs, statiskās noturības diagramma, tās īpašības, kuģa parametru un apledojuma ietekme uz diagrammas STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 parametriem. Noturības diagrammas iegūšana uz kuģa. |
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8. Dinamiska noturība, dinamiskas noturības diagramma. Vēja statiskā un dinamiskā iedarbība uz kuģi. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01. |
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9. Kuģa noturības normēšana. Noturības informācija kapteinim. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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10. Kuģa nenogremdējamība. Applūdušo nodalījumu klasifikācija. Caurlaidības koeficienti. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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11. Nenogremdējamības aprēķinu metodes. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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12. Kuģa korpusa dalīšana ūdens necaurlaidīgos nodalījumos. STCW A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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2. daļa
1. Kuģa noturība beramkravu. pārvadāšanas gadījumā. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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2. Kuģa uziešana uz grunts. Dokošana. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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3. Vides pretestība kuģa kustībai. Pilnās pretestības komponentes. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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4. Berzes pretestība. Formas pretestība. Viļņu veidošanas pretestība. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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5. Pretestība seklajā ūdeni un šauros kuģu ceļos. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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6. Kuģa stāvokļa izmaiņas kuģojot seklā ūdenī. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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7. Navigācijas dziļuma rezerves noteikšana. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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8. Dzinekļu klasifikācija. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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9. Dzenskrūvju ģeometrija. Dzenskrūves kinemātiskie raksturotāji. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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10. Dzenskrūvju hidrodinamiskie raksturotāji. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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11. Dzenskrūvju un spārna profilu kavitācija. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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12. Dzenskrūvju efektivitātes uzlabošana. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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3. daļa
1. Jūras viļņošanās raksturošana. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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2. Kuģa šūpošanās pamatjēdzieni. Kuģa šūpošanās mierīgajā ūdenī. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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3. Kuģa ripošana viļņošanās apstākļos. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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4. Kursa un ātruma ietekme uz kuģa šūpošanos, "šķietamais" viļņu periods. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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5. Diagrammas kuģa droša kursu un ātrumu izvēlei. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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6. Universālo diagrammu lietošana. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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7. Noturības izmaiņas viļņošanās apstākļos. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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8. Bročings, slemings, hidrodinamiskas slodzes uz kuģa korpusu. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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9. Parametriskā rezonanse. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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10. Kuģa korpusa stiprība. Korpusa liece. Normālie un tangenciālie spriegumi kuģa garenvirziena saistos. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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11. Kuģa korpusa kopējās stiprības kontrole ekspluatācijas laikā. A-II/1 A-II/2 Competences - Cargo handling, stowage and securing - Maintain seaworthiness of the ship - Control trim, stability and stress - Respond to navigational emergencies MC 7.03 MC 7.01 |
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