Saturs |
Pilna un nepilna laika klātienes studijas |
Nepilna laika neklātienes studijas |
Kontaktstundas |
Patstāvīgais darbs |
Kontaktstundas |
Patstāvīgais darbs |
1. Kuģu vadīšanas pamati
1.1.Uz kuģi darbojošos spēku un momentu raksturojums. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Turning circles and stopping distances; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 to determine the Manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships, with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds; Importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused due to own ship’s bow and stern waves. |
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1.2.Kuģu inerces īpašības, to raksturojums. Kuģu bremzēšana. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Turning circles and stopping distances; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 to determine the Manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships, with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds; Importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused due to own ship’s bow and stern waves. |
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1.3.Kuģa kustība pa līklīnijas trajektoriju. Cirkulācija, tās elementi. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Turning circles and stopping distances; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 to determine the Manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships, with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds; Importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused due to own ship’s bow and stern waves. |
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1.4.Dzenskrūves darbības iespaids uz kuģa vadāmību. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Turning circles and stopping distances; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 to determine the Manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships, with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds; Importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused due to own ship’s bow and stern waves. |
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1.5.Kuģa vadīšanas īpatnības ar vienu, divām, trim un regulējamā soļa dzenskrūvēm. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Turning circles and stopping distances; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 to determine the Manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships, with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds; Importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused due to own ship’s bow and stern waves. |
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1.6.Kuģa aktīvās vadāmības līdzekļu izmantošana. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Turning circles and stopping distances; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 to determine the Manoeuvring and propulsion characteristics of common types of ships, with special reference to stopping distances and turning circles at various draughts and speeds; Importance of navigating at reduced speed to avoid damage caused due to own ship’s bow and stern waves. |
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1.7.Vēja, straumes u.c. faktoru iespaids uz kuģa vadāmību. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Effect of wind and current on ship handling. |
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1.8.IMO 1987.gada Rezolūcijas A.601(15) Rekomendācijas attiecībā uz kuģa manevrēšanas elementiem. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Turning circles and stopping distances. |
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2.Kuģa vadīšana un manevrēšana stāvēšana, dažādos kuģošanas apstākļos
2.1.Kuģa nolikšana uz enkura, mucām. A-II/2 MC 7.01 Choice of anchorage; anchoring with one or two anchors in limited anchorages and factors involved in determining the length of anchor cable to be used; Procedures for anchoring in deep water and in shallow water; Dragging anchor; clearing fouled anchors; STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Proper procedures for anchoring and mooring. |
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2.2. Pietauvošanās operācijas. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Berthing and un-berthing under various conditions; STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Proper procedures for anchoring and mooring. |
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2.3.Kuģu enerģētisko iekārtu un manevrēšanas operācijās. piestūrēšanas ierīču izmantošana manevrēšanas operācijās. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Use of propulsion and manoeuvring systems STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Proper procedures for anchoring and mooring. |
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2.4.Velkoņu izmantošana pietauvošanās operācijās. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Proper procedures for anchoring and mooring. |
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2.5.Kuģa vadīšana šauro ūdensceļu apstākļos–šaurumos, kanālos, šērās. Pagriezieni šauros fārvateros. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Handling ship in rivers, estuaries and restricted waters; Constant rate of turn techniques; STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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2.6.Kuģa vadīšana un manevrēšana seklā ūdenī. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Manoeuvring in shallow water; STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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2.7.Savstarpējā iedarbība: sēklis– kanāls–kuģis–velkonis. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Interaction between passing ships and between own ship and nearby banks; Ship and tug interaction; STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects. |
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2.8.Kuģa ieiešana dokā un iziešana no tā. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Dry-docking. |
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2.9.Kuģa manevrēšana nolaižot/paceļot glābšanas laivas. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Precautions in manoeuvring to launch rescue boats or survival craft in bad weather. |
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2.10.Kuģa manevrēšana cilvēka pacelšanai no ūdens. STCW A-II/1MC 7.03 Manoeuvres for the Rescue of a Person Overboard; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Methods of taking on board survivors from rescue boats and survival craft; Actions to Protect and Safeguard all Persons on Board in Emergencies. |
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2.11. Kuģa manevrēšana, uzņemot loci. Kuģošana loča pavadībā. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Approaching pilot stations and embarking or disembarking pilots. |
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2.12. Kuģa vadīšana kustības sadales sistēmās (TSS) un kuģa satiksmes dienesta (VTS) darbības rajonos, ziņošana saskaņā ar kuģu ziņošanas sistēmu vispārīgajiem izmantošanas principiem un VTS procedūrām. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Squat, shallow water and similar effects; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Use of, and Manoeuvring in and near traffic separation schemes and in vessel traffic service (VTS) areas. |
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2.13. Kuģošana vētras laikā. Kuģa bojājumi viļņu iedarbības rezultātā. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Management and Handling ships in heavy weather. |
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2.14. Kuģa vadīšana ledū un tā tuvumā. Kuģu apledošana. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Practical measures to be taken when Navigating in or near ice or in conditions of ice accumulation on board. |
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3. Starptautiskā Meklēšanas un glābšanas sistēmas (SAR) organizācija
3.1.Jūras negadījumi. SJO un EMSA gūtā pieredze. Latvijas Jūras Administrācijas avāriju izmeklēšanas ziņojumi (z/k Astrīda bojāeja; m/v MonaLisa negadījums; m/v FuShangHain gadījums). STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08 |
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3.2. IMOSAR tiesību akti (Starptautiskā konvencija par jūras meklēšanu un glābšanu, 1979; Starptautiskā konvencija par cilvēku dzīvības aizsardzību uz jūras (SOLAS); Starptautiskā konvencija par glābšanu (Salvage),1989; IAMSAR rokasgrāmata). STCW A-II/1 IAMSAR Manual; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08 |
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3.3. SAR sistēma un organizācija, procedūras. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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3.4. MRCC administratīvā un darbības organizācija. MRCC ikdienas funkcijas (SAR mācības un vingrinājumi; Iepazīšanas ar MRCC Rīga; Iepazīšanās ar Rīgas VTS centru). STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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4. SAR misijas
4.1.Jūras palīdzības labākās prakse (Jūras palīdzības politika; Operacionālā riska pārvaldīšanas). STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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4.2.SAR stadijas un Ārkārtas posmi (Informētība un sākotnējās darbības; misijas noslēgšanas). STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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4.3. Sakaru metodes saziņai briesmu gadījumos (SAR misijas sakari; GMDSS; COSPAS-SARSAT; Nekorelējošām, MAYDAYs; Starptautisko signālu kodu rokasgrāmata (INTERCO); IMO Jūras sakaru standarta frāzes(IMOSMCP))STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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5.SAR operāciju plānošana 5.1.Bāzes novirzes teorija (Datum; rīcības brīvība; kopējais ūdens straume; Vēja straume; Meklēšanas modeļi). STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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5.2.Bāzes aizplūšanas aprēķini. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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5.3.Koordinatora notikumu vietā (OSC) uzdevumi un pienākumi. Koordinatora notikumu vietā (OSC) nozīmēšana; Koordinatora notikumu vietā (OSC) pienākumi; Koordinatora notikumu vietā (OSC) sakari ar MRCC, SITREP), medicīniskā evakuācija. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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5.4.Meklēšana un glābšana ārkārtas situācijās uz kuģa. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 1.4. Coordinate search and rescue operations; MC 1.08. |
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6.Kuģu vadīšana un manevrēšana avārijas situācijās.
6.1.Drošības pasākumi ārkārtas situācijās, rīcības plāni ārkārtas situācijās, pasažieru aizsardzība un drošība. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Contingency plans for response to emergencies; Precautions for protection and safety of passengers in emergency situations; Actions to Protect and Safeguard all Persons on Board in Emergencies; Preparation of contingency Plans for Response to Emergencies. |
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6.2.Rīcība kuģim uzsēžoties uz grunts. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Actions to be Taken on Grounding; Precautions when beaching a vessel; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Precautions When Beaching a Ship; Grounding; Actions to Limit Damage and Save the Ship following a Fire, Explosion, Collision or Grounding. |
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6.3.Noņemšanās no sēkļa. STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Refloating. |
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6.4.Rīcība kuģu sadursmes gadījumā. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Actions following a collision; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Action to be taken if collision is imminent and following a collision or impairment of the watertight integrity of the hull by any cause; Assessment of Damage Control; Actions to Limit Damage and Save the Ship following a Fire, Explosion, Collision or Grounding. |
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6.5.Avarējoša kuģa vadība, avārijas stūrēšanas iekārtas izmantošanas kārtība. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Use of auxiliary steering gear and rigging jury steering arrangements; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Emergency Steering. |
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6.6.Avarējoša kuģa sagatavošana vilkšanai, vilkšana, vadīšana. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Arrangements for towing and being towed; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Emergency towing arrangements and towing procedure. |
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6.7.Palīdzības sniegšana avarējošam kuģim. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Measures for assisting a vessel in distress; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Actions to Protect and Safeguard all Persons on Board in Emergencies; Management and Handling ships in heavy weather. |
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6.8.Kārtība kuģa atstāšanai. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Procedures for abandoning ship; STCW A-II/2 MC Actions to Limit Damage and Save the Ship following a Fire, Explosion, Collision or Grounding. |
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6.9.Rīcība avārijas situācijās ostā. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Actions for emergencies in port; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Contingency Plans for Response to Emergencies. |
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7.Kuģa uguns aizsardzības pasākumi, ugunsdzēšanas plāns un apkalpes rīcība ugunsgrēka gadījumā, līdzekļi kuģa glābšanai un kaitējumu ierobežošana pēc ugunsgrēka vai eksplozijas. STCW A-II/1 MC 7.03 Means of limiting damage and salving ship following fire or explosion; STCW A-II/2 MC 7.01 Actions to Limit Damage and Save the Ship following a Fire, Explosion, Collision or Grounding. |
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