PBM409 Entrepreneurship

Code PBM409
Name Entrepreneurship
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Professional
Field of study Business Management and Administration
Faculty Riga Business School
Academic staff Jānis Grēviņš, Jānis Bergs
Credit points 4.0 (6.0 ECTS)
Parts 1
Annotation The study course will develop an understanding of business processes as well as skills, abilities and actions to promote entrepreneurship. The knowledge and tactical skills acquired in the study course will prepare for work in an uncertain, complex and ever-changing labour market with an economic downturn, global mobility, an increase in contract work, changes in employment status and an increase in self-employment..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
Entrepreneurial Process and Innovation. 6 5 0 0
Business plans. 4 5 0 0
Business models. 5 5 0 0
New venture financing. 10 9 0 0
Valuation, financing and capitalization tables in the new venture context, business plan preparation progress discussion. 4 5 0 0
Investment deals, term sheets. 10 8 0 0
Setting up or buying the company. 11 9 0 0
Managing risk and reward, legal protection and intellectual property. 4 5 0 0
Budgeting and financial statements. 7 5 0 0
Team and motivational issues. 4 9 0 0
Managing the growing venture. Business processes. 11 10 0 0
Business plan presentations. 4 5 0 0
Total: 80 80 0 0
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The study course goal is to explore entrepreneurship and business culture. The tasks of the study course: 1. To acquaint with the main aspects of business planning, marketing, and financial management that are necessary for the development of the business field. 2. To develop the ability to think creatively and innovatively, using the company as a key component in future development.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Able to demonstrate knowledge of the elements required to identifying and generate business opportunities and to commercialise ideas. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Able to describe the sources and the process involved in generating and validating ideas and what is needed to protect and exploit them successfully. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Able to identify and analyse the resources required for successful business development and determine how to obtain them. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Able to discuss the importance of business and financial planning and how to develop a business plan. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Able to interact effectively with others in a professional manner as well as negotiate and manage group work and decision-making. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Presentations - 20%
Midterm exam - 20%
Tests - 10%
Situation analysis - 5%
Homework - 5%
Final exam - 40%
Course prerequisites Bachelor degree.
Course planning
Part CP ECTS Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 4.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]