BS0055 Business Law

Code BS0055
Name Business Law
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Professional
Field of study Business Management and Administration
Faculty Riga Business School
Academic staff Jānis Grēviņš
Credit points 6.0
Parts 1
Annotation The study course provides an insight into the basic legal principles that govern business transactions in a market economy and how these principles are applied in Latvian conditions. The study course covers the following topics: agreements, the law on business organizations, including agencies, general partnerships, and joint-stock companies; debtor-creditor relationships, such as credit obligations, secured transactions, and bankruptcy; commercial documents, including negotiable securities and title deeds. At the end of the study course, environmental legislation and the basic principles of business-related criminal law are examined..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
Working effectively with your (inhouse / external) counsel and other legal professions. 8 4 0 0
Corporate governance and main rules of company operation. 10 9 0 0
Dispute resolution venues and strategies. 9 9 0 0
Contract Law. 8 5 0 0
Employment law and regulation of the European Union and Latvia. 5 9 0 0
Intellectual property law. 10 10 0 0
Business expansion regulation – mergers and acquisitions. 9 10 0 0
Business in difficulty – legal solutions. 4 5 0 0
Lobbying and law-making. 10 9 0 0
Competition regulation. 7 10 0 0
Total: 80 80 0 0
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The aim of the study course is to provide master's students with an understanding of the main legal principles governing business, determining the legal framework for relations with business partners, public authorities, dispute resolution and protection of skills and human resources. The task of the study course is to teach to distinguish different areas of business law, evaluate each situation and determine the direction of the main necessary activities.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Is able to differentiate between different areas of company law. - Presentations, work in lectures.
Is able to make a prima facie assessment of each situation. - Final exam, work in lectures.
Is able to assess the main required direction of activity - Homework, final exam, work in lectures.
Orients in intellectual property laws. - Homework, final exam.
Understands the regulations for business expansion - mergers and acquisitions. - Homework, final exam.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Work in lectures - 20%
Homework - 30%
Final exam - 40%
Presentations - 10%
Course prerequisites Bachelor degree.
Course planning
Part CP Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 6.0 64.0 0.0 0.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]