DE0751 e-Business Solutions

Code DE0751
Name e-Business Solutions
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Academic
Field of study Computer Science
Academic staff Aleksejs Jurenoks, Airita Aksjoņenko
Credit points 6.0
Parts 1
Annotation The study course provides students with knowledge and skills in methods for e-business maintenance and management by applying technical solutions, automation methods, and laws and regulations regarding e-commerce processes. The main focus is on understanding the essentials and types of e-business and on understanding the use of modern internet technologies for organizing business processes..
The practical part of the study course provides understanding on the impact of internet technologies on e-business development, on various forms of e-business (e-commerce, e-marketing, e-SCM, etc.) and the principles of developing corporate business portals based on web technologies..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
The modern internet technologies for organizing business processes. 4 6 2 8
Marketing, advertising, and digital tools in business. Advertising algorithms. Advertising methods. Advertising choice strategy. 8 8 8 10
Starting e-business, methods, and guidelines. Legislation, registration of processes, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Technical base preparation. 10 12 8 14
Technical and technological base of e-business. Choosing necessary technical solutions for starting an e-business. Domain registration. Hosting services. Min. requirements for technical base to start 10 14 4 18
Trade in e-environment. Consumer safety in the digital environment. Distance contract. Transaction processing system. Payment processing systems. Customer management systems. 10 20 6 24
E-business costs and result analysis. E-business monitoring tools. E-business analytical tools. 8 10 4 14
Automation methods for e-business processes. Implementation of automation processes. Automation scenarios. Automation limitations. 8 16 8 16
E-business application software usage. 4 8 4 8
Exam. 2 2 4 0
Total: 64 96 48 112
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The goal of the study course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills regarding e-business maintenance and management methods by applying technical solutions, automation methods, and regulations related to e-commerce processes. The objectives of the study course are: - To teach the basics of e-business, processes, and e-business organization methods. - To teach the modern Internet technologies for organizing business processes. - To teach the basics of economics and the requirements for e-business process management. - To provide skills to gather information by performing data analysis. - To provide skills to orientate in the basic processes of digital marketing, advertising, and sales. - To give knowledge on the forms of e-business: e-commerce, e-marketing, e-logistics, etc. - To give knowledge on the integration of web-based business processes. - To provide skills to use web tools for e-commerce promotion. - To give knowledge on the principles of corporate business portal design. - To give knowledge on the principles of creating e-commerce and its practical application.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Is able to identify e-business management processes and organizational methods. - Written exam.
Is able to collect and prepare information by performing data analysis. - Independent work.
Is able to choose the marketing, advertising, and sales basic processes that are applicable for the task and to integrate them into e-business platforms. - Independent work, written exam.
Is able to independently use e-solutions in various subject areas: e-insurance, e-logistics, etc. - Independently performed laboratory assignments.
Is able to use web tools for e-commerce promotion. Is able to identify and manage the principles of building corporate business portals. - Project.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Practical assignments (independent work, laboratory works) - 40%
Project - 35%
Exam - 25%
Course prerequisites Business process modelling (from Business process management and engineering), basic programming skills.
Course planning
Part CP Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 6.0 32.0 16.0 16.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]