BS0051 Leadership

Code BS0051
Name Leadership
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Professional
Field of study Social Science
Faculty Riga Business School
Academic staff Claudio Andres Rivera, Gregory Scott Mathers
Credit points 6.0
Parts 1
Annotation The study course will look at the key challenges that a company needs to solve in order to successfully develop adaptability and cope with constant change while working with high performance. Particular attention will be paid to the organizational and cultural aspects, which often prevent the company from developing and lead to bankruptcy. To make such a change, managers must have a strong intuition that allows them to make managerial, organizational, and business decisions. The “holistic” thinking that good leaders need to have and how to take advantage of it when developing and implementing strategies will also be explored..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
Introduction. 4 16 0 0
Understanding Change and its Influence Organizational Dynamics. 18 17 0 0
Building Effective Work Relationships. 28 24 0 0
Leadership, Alignment and Organizational Change. 30 23 0 0
Total: 80 80 0 0
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The aim of the study course is to teach how to get people to recognize the ever-changing reality and take on the challenges associated with it. The tasks of the study course: 1. To develop practical knowledge in managing organizational change 2. To improve change management skills. The leader must be an example of the behaviour he would like to expect from others. This also applies to areas such as personal growth, self-awareness, self-motivation and problem-solving skills. 3. To develop skills to analyse and put into practice human communication skills so that people take individual and collective responsibility to create and improve the conditions in which they find themselves. 4. To develop communication, motivation and decision-making skills will be developed to build a strong management team and manage the dynamics of the organization.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Able to discuss leading change and organizational transformation. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Able to employ change management skills. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Able to analyze and practice the interpersonal and strategic skills leaders use to get people to individually and collectively accept direct responsibility for creating and improving their own circumstances. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Understands the processes of change and is able to think critically. - Tests, situation analysis, homework, presentations, midterm exam, final exam.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Tests - 5%
Situation analysis - 5%
Homework - 20%
Midterm exam - 25%
Final exam - 30%
Presentations - 15%
Course prerequisites Bachelor degree.
Course planning
Part CP Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 6.0 48.0 16.0 0.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]