DE0745 Advanced data technologies

Code DE0745
Name Advanced data technologies
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Academic
Field of study Computer Science
Academic staff Ilze Andersone, Ilze Birzniece, Jānis Eiduks, Ainārs Auziņš, Māra Romanovska
Credit points 6.0
Parts 1
Annotation Adequate technology is needed to implement effective data storage and retrieval. The study course deals with different types of database systems (relational, relational-object and data warehouses) and their temporal, deductive and active extensions. The study course includes the practical use of the structured query language SQL and its various extensions for various database systems. In order for a specialist to be able to independently create or order a data storage solution corresponding to the company's information system, the study course also includes database design and implementation technologies. Students are introduced to information systems and database technology architectures. In the practical part of the study course, various types of databases are designed and data insertion, retrieval and processing and quality analysis are performed..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
Universal database systems: relational and object-relational databases. 8 10 0 0
Temporal database systems: conceptual and logical models. 8 10 0 0
Data retrieval form temporal database systems. 8 10 0 0
Spatial database systems: conceptual and logical models. 8 12 0 0
Data retrieval from spatial databases. 8 12 0 0
Active database systems: active rules and their implementation. 8 10 0 0
Deductive database systems: use of rules in database. 8 10 0 0
Multidimensional database systems: conceptual and logical models. 4 12 0 0
Database systems for semi-structured data: conceptual models and logical models. 4 10 0 0
Total: 64 96 0 0
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The aim of the study course is to acquaint students with the technologies of using Database (DB) system extensions (DB kernel extensions, included procedures and software packages). The task of the study course is to provide knowledge about the advantages of the following DB systems: 1. Design and implementation of geometric or spatial data DB system extension. 2. Design and implementation of temporal data DB system extension. 3. Design and implementation of multidimensional data DB system extension. 4. Design and implementation of active and deductive DB system extension. 5. Design and implementation of semi-structured data DB system extension.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Is able to design and implement a spatial database. - Practical work, relevant questions in the semester test and exam.
Understands temporal databases and is able to design and implement them. - Practical work, relevant questions in the semester test and exam.
Understands deductive databases and is able to develop them. - Practical work, relevant questions in the semester test and exam.
Understands active database technologies and is able to develop an active database. - Practical work, relevant questions in the semester test and exam.
Is able to design and implement data warehouses. - Practical work, relevant questions in the semester test and exam.
Is able to create semi-structured data DB using XML language. - Practical work, relevant questions in the semester test and exam.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Average grade for all practical work. The student receives the minimum grade (4) if the assignment scores 50%. The minimum requirements vary depending on the assignments. - 60%
TheStudent's theoretical knowledge and practical skills are tested in the semester tests. The student receives minimum passing grade (4) on 50% of the points. - 20%
The final exam tests the student's theoretical knowledge and practical skills of the student. The student must receive minimum passing grade (4) at 50% of the points. - 20%
Course prerequisites Algebra of relations and objects; predicate invoices; logic programming; data structures and algorithms; basics of database technology; relational and relational-object database systems; basic concepts of artificial intelligence; logic programming; basic concepts and methods of information systems design.
Course planning
Part CP Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 6.0 32.0 0.0 32.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]