DE0743 Artificial Intelligence in Business

Code DE0743
Name Artificial Intelligence in Business
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Academic
Field of study Computer Science
Academic staff Ilze Andersone
Credit points 6.0
Parts 1
Annotation Artificial intelligence includes rather new technologies that can be used to solve complex business problems in different domains. The information technology specialist must be able to select the most suitable artificial intelligence technologies for business problems. The main topic is their usage for practical business problem solving. Different programming approaches are reviewed to show origins of the agent oriented programming and differences from other approaches. Overview of various types of agents and their applications is given in the course. Intelligent mechanisms, like planning, knowledge representation, inference and machine learning are covered, too. Already developed agent projects are analysed illustrating what types of agents are suitable for what projects. Algorithms used in artificial intelligence and their implementations as well as the agent oriented software engineering process are covered in the practical part of the course..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
Concept of intelligent agents and main characteristics of them 4 6 0 0
Types of agents 4 6 0 0
Agents intelligence (search, planning, knowledge representation and reasoning) 32 48 0 0
Agent development 8 12 0 0
Machine learning (decision trees and neural networks) 12 18 0 0
Multi-agent systems and agent interactions 4 6 0 0
Total: 64 96 0 0
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The goal of the course is to give understanding of the advanced artificial intelligence technologies and abilities to apply these technologies to solve various complex business problems. The main objectives of the course are the following: To acquire different programming approaches, especially the agent oriented programming. To study intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, their development and applications, as well as to be able to apply agents and multi-agent systems to solve various business problems. To study various artificial intelligence solutions and know their applicability.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Knows the types of intelligent agents, their characteristics, is capable to choose suitable agents and apply them to solve problems of various domains. - Laboratory work about objects and agents. Corresponding problems in the examination and midterms. Practical classroom works.
Knows the classic artificial intelligence methods, is capable choose suitable methods and apply them to solve problems of various domains. - Laboratory works about search and planning agents. Corresponding problems in the examination and midterms. Practical classroom works.
Knows and is able to apply the machine learning methods, is capable to use them to address various business domain problems. - Laboratory work about decision trees and neural networks. Corresponding problems in the examination and midterms. Practical classroom works.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Exam - 40%
Homework - 40%
Midterms and classroom work - 20%
Course prerequisites None
Course planning
Part CP Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 6.0 32.0 16.0 16.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]