DE0741 Pedagogical Process. Basics

Code DE0741
Name Pedagogical Process. Basics
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Professional
Field of study Pedagogy
Academic staff Alīda Zigmunde, Karine Oganisjana
Credit points 6.0
Parts 1
Annotation The theoretical foundations of the pedagogical process are mastered in the study course, as well as skills for organizing the pedagogical process are developed: the essence of the pedagogical process, components, regularities and principles. Styles of the pedagogical activity, their connection with learning outcomes, organization of pedagogical process and evaluation of pedagogical activity are considered..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
1. The Essence of Pedagogical Process. Pedagogical Process as System. 6 10 2 9
2. A Comparison of Pedagogical Systems. Theoretical Bases. Pedagogical process and Self-actualising people. 4 5 2 7
3. Contemporary understanding of pedagogical values. 2 4 2 8
4. Managing the Pedagogical Process. Management Style. Teachers` Roles. 6 9 3 12
5. Cooperation within Pedagogical Process. Pedagogical Communication. 8 10 4 16
6. Philosophies of Adult Education. Didactic Models Used by Businesses to Manage Internal Training. 6 8 3 12
7. Teaching Strategies for Adult Learners. 8 10 4 16
8. Knowledge, Skills, Competencies and Competences. Variety in the Conceptualization of Competence. 4 7 2 9
9. Self- directed Learning: Prerequisites and Managing. Personal Learning Plan. 4 6 2 8
10. Constructivist Pedagogy. Cooperative Learning. 4 6 2 8
11. Aims and Learning Outcomes. Assessment and Evaluation. Pedagogical Taxonomies. 4 6 2 7
12. Methods for Assessment of Prior Learning. 4 7 2 8
13. Analysis of Pedagogical Process. Diagnostic Assessment Tools for Professional Growths. 4 8 2 8
Total: 64 96 32 128
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The aim of the study course is to provide the necessary basic competencies for organizing the pedagogical process. Tasks of the study course: -to provide an understanding of the essence, regularities and principles of pedagogical work with adults; - to acquaint with different philosophies of adult education; - to improve knowledge of modern pedagogical values; - to teach didactic modelling and to independently create a continuing education course or a separate module.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Is able to compare and assess different pedagogical systems, to characterize pedagogical values. - Essay. Venn Diagram. Exam.
Understands the specific and principles of adult education. - Case study. Exam.
Understands the structure of the pedagogical process, knows its components and interrelationships. - Concept map. Exam.
Is able to characterize strategies for adult education. - Practical assignment "Choose the more appropriate teaching method for ..." (according to Bloom`s tax. level). Exam.
Is able to participate in argumentative discussion/debate on quality of knowledge, different conceptualization of competence. - Group discussion. Exam.
Is able to diagnose learning needs and create a professional development module. Is able to develop a personal learning plan. - Detailed planning of a self-chosen study course or a separate module; individual curriculum. Exam.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Essay - 10%
Practical works, involvement in discussions, case study - 30%
Concept map - 10%
Detailed planning of a self-chosen study course or a separate module; individual curriculum - 20%
Exam - 30%
Course prerequisites Not necessary.
Course planning
Part CP Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 6.0 32.0 32.0 0.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]