DE0729 Communication and Presentation Skills

Code DE0729
Name Communication and Presentation Skills
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Academic
Field of study Languages
Academic staff Marina Platonova, Antra Roskoša, Zane Seņko, Tatjana Smirnova, Tatjana Kelebeka
Credit points 3.0
Parts 1
Annotation The study course aims at developing soft skills of the students to promote advanced interpersonal communication, abilities to work well in teams, manage time and get successfully and efficiently engaged in networking. The acquired skills are needed to attain higher levels of cognitive flexibility, enhance critical thinking skills, get involved in multiple interrelated and reciprocally amplifying creative activities, contributing to communicative acts leading to cross-fertilization of ideas and development of willingness to learn and act under pressure. Students master practical techniques to communicate and reinforce their message at various levels and in various contextual situations, allowing them to focus on their target audience needs and expectations. Students learn how to assess their performance critically, comprehend communicative and networking situations and context, learn to address the issues in different communicative modes. Students draw up reports, theses, summaries, organize and maintain debates and discussions on various popular scientific, as well as topical professional themes and subjects, etc..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
Introduction. Goals and objectives of the study course. Importance of developing soft skills. 2 3 1 3
The nature and types of interpersonal communication. 2 3 2 6
The notion of cognitive flexibility. Strategies for development of cognitive flexibility. 2 3 2 6
Development of interpersonal communicative competence. Effective communication. 2 3 1 3
Speech. Speech presentation techniques. The purpose of the speech. Time management. 2 3 1 3
The structure of speech, psychological aspects. Comprehensibility. 2 3 2 6
Non-verbal communication. Gestures, pauses, eye contact, intonation. 2 3 1 3
Digital communication skills. 2 3 2 6
Efficient networking skills. Teamwork and group performance. 2 3 1 3
Addressing ideas creatively. Cross-fertilization techniques. 2 3 1 3
Critical assessment of own presentation. Students’ presentations are video-recorded for further analysis. 2 3 1 3
Discussions. Expressing and substantiating own opinion. Discussion techniques. 2 3 1 3
Business protocol, its main elements. 2 3 1 3
Dealing with stress: Improvisation. Impromptu speaking. Destabilization and propaganda techniques. 2 3 1 3
Discussions. Discussion techniques. Handling follow-up questions. Stress management. 2 3 1 3
Defending creative ideas. Organization of the scientific report. The viva voce. 2 3 1 3
Total: 32 48 20 60
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The goal of the study course is to develop students' public speaking skills for seminar and conference presentations considering the criteria for successful presentations. Objectives of the study course: 1) to develop a set of students’ soft skills; 2) to develop students’ advanced interpersonal communication skills; 3) to improve students' competence to critically evaluate their own and other people performance; 4) to develop students’ networking skills; 5) to acquaint students with speech composition techniques, speech structure, psychological and persuasive aspects of speech; 6) to develop students’ ability to pass information to other people efficiently via different modes, 7) to help students attain higher level of cognitive flexibility; 8) to teach to format presentations in different ways: static visual (for overhead projector and PowerPoint), action visual (Video), mute (gesture, no sound), 9) to develop students’ ability to persuade, evaluate people, their performance and the situation; 10) to develop students’ stress and conflict management skills.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Is able to use verbal and non-verbal communication skills, presenting reports and theses on professional issues in English. - Presentation (reports, theses), video recorded presentation, exam.
Is able to differentiate and select relevant speech compilation techniques, develop the content of the speech and use definite presentation techniques, taking into consideration various psychological factors. - Seminars, exam.
Is able to use a variety of presentation formats selected to reach a particular purport of communication. - Seminars, presentations
Is able to inform the audience persuasively and enthusiastically, maintaining rapport with the listeners. - Seminars, video recorded presentation, exam.
Is able to understand, recognize and critically analyse widely used propaganda techniques, is able to counter them. - Seminars, discussions, case studies.
Is able to recognize a high level of value on etiquette and protocol during any type of business deals. - Seminars, discussions, case studies.
Is able to manage time efficiently. - Seminars, discussions, case studies.
Is able to work individually and as part of the team, is able to manage and motivate the team. - Seminars, discussions, case studies.
Is able to efficiently use stress and conflict management techniques. - Discussions, case studies.
Is able to listen attentively, assess, appreciate, criticise presentations of other students. - Report.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Seminars. Discussions - 10%
Report - 20%
Presentations, case studies - 20%
Video recorded presentation - 20%
Exam - 30%
Course prerequisites English language skills at B2 level according to CEFR.
Course planning
Part CP Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 3.0 0.0 32.0 0.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]