DE0001 Storage Networking

Code DE0001
Name Storage Networking
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Academic
Field of study Computer Science
Academic staff Gundars Alksnis
Credit points 3.0
Parts 1
Annotation The course covers concepts, features, design and applications of storage area networking (SAN) including management challenges, requirements, and solutions’ advantages and disadvantages. Storage consolidation, management, virtualization, scalability, performance, backup and restore, and replication are explained from the relevance to business continuity and high-availability. The course discusses basic and intermediate level information about intelligent storage solutions. The course also includes such topics as storage network architectures, Fibre Channel and other emerging technologies, and storage networking management applications and their market. After completing the course students can propose and discuss SAN solutions..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
Introduction. Recommended Literature. Introduction to SAN and Data Access. Storage Architectures. 2 2 0 0
Structure of Storage Drives. RAID Technology. 2 2 0 0
Storage Acceleration Techniques. Intelligent Storage Subsystems. 2 2 0 0
File Systems. Logical Volume Managers. 2 2 0 0
I/O Connectivity Techniques. SCSI Protocol. Fibre Channel Protocol. SAN Topologies and Configurations. 2 2 0 0
Network Attached Storage. Network File Systems. Internet Protocol Storage. Storage Virtualization. 2 2 0 0
Network Backup Solutions. Digital Data Archiving. 2 2 0 0
Individual work on a selected topic presentation. 8 12 0 0
Reasons For and Against SANs. Designing Storage Networking Solutions. 2 2 0 0
Ensuring Business Continuity. 2 2 0 0
Individual work on a case study report. 4 16 0 0
A final examination. 2 2 0 0
Total: 32 48 0 0
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The goal of the course is to teach knowledge in storage area networking topics. The tasks of the study course: - to develop skills to propose solutions to support business continuity and high-availability; - to discuss the relevance and business value of storage area networking both with business and IT professionals.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Is able to explain storage networking aims and current restrictions. - Written examination. Criteria: according to the answers provided.
Is able to explain current and emerging SAN concepts and compare their implementations. - Comparison of storage-related technologies and reported presentation. Criteria: according to the aspects evaluated.
Is able to select the most proper technology solution for a specific business problem and discuss it with both business and IT professionals. - Analysed real-world case study with proposition and substantiation of the most suitable solution combination. Criteria: according to the aspects evaluated. Participation in the course activities.
Is able to evaluate alternative data storage networking solutions and choose the optimal one. - Analysed real-world case study with proposition and substantiation of the most suitable solution combination. Criteria: according to the aspects evaluated.
Evaluation criteria of study results
A report/presentation about a topic of selected technology - 30%
A report about an analysis of a case study - 30%
A final examination - 20%
Activity - 20%
Course prerequisites Students must be comfortable with computer networking topics or must have taken an appropriate course.
Course planning
Part CP Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 3.0 16.0 16.0 0.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]