DSP702 Research Methods in Business Informatics

Code DSP702
Name Research Methods in Business Informatics
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Academic
Field of study Computer Science
Academic staff Ilze Birzniece, Mārīte Kirikova
Credit points 2.0 (3.0 ECTS)
Parts 1
Annotation Modern society is being moved toward a knowledge-based model within which innovative solutions are created that can be applied to enhance the economy. However, innovative solutions can be created by synthesizing existing knowledge. Scientific methods have been designed and are applied specifically for this purpose, therefore being familiar with such methods should be of benefit to students in business informatics programmes. The main subject of the study course is the introduction to and practical application of scientific methods that can be used in computer science research. Given that some of the students may not be familiar with the concept, the study course presents the types of scientific methods and possibilities of application thereof. Design science research is discussed in detail. To ensure a more efficient learning process, theoretical studies are complemented with a realistic research project of analysis of related work in a specific domain..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
The essence and process of a scientific work. 2 3 0 0
Classification of the research methods, quantitative and qualitative research methods. 2 3 0 0
Design Science Research. 4 6 0 0
Structured literature review. 6 6 0 0
Academic writing. 2 6 0 0
Academic integrity in research. 2 4 0 0
Evaluation of research results. 2 6 0 0
The process of the research paper and master thesis development. 12 14 0 0
Total: 32 48 0 0
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The goal of the study course is to prepare students for independent scientific work in the field of Business Informatics The objectives of the study course: 1. To provide knowledge about the research process, its main activities and results to be obtained. 2. To provide an understanding of research methods and their selection conditions. 3. To develop the ability to develop and evaluate scientific work. 4. To provide an understanding of the academic integrity of scientific research.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Knows research process, main activities, results. - Correctly developed individual and group assignments.
Knows research methods appropriate in Business Informatics research process. - Successfully completed analysis of the research methods applicable in the business informatics master thesis.
Knows research paper development approaches and academic integrity principles. - Correctly developed individual and group assignments.
Is able to conduct research according to the generally accepted methods, standards and techniques. - Developed and presented a scientific paper (exam).
Is able to evaluate the quality of a research paper. - Correctly evaluated scientific paper of another student (individual assignment).
Evaluation criteria of study results
Individual and group assignments (at least 40% of the maximum of points must be achieved) - 50%
Exam (research paper development and presentation, at least 40% of the maximum of points must be achieved) - 50%
Course prerequisites Recommended: experience in the thesis or project development.
Course planning
Part CP ECTS Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 2.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]