DSP703 Systems Theory

Code DSP703
Name Systems Theory
Status Compulsory/Courses of Limited Choice
Level and type Post-graduate Studies, Academic
Field of study Computer Science
Academic staff Jānis Grundspeņķis, Arnis Staško
Credit points 4.0 (6.0 ECTS)
Parts 1
Annotation Within systems theory, there have been developed general methods for the description of systems, which are based on systems thinking and allow including all relevant factors that affect the functioning of a system. In this study course, students learn the basics of systems theory and study deeper the specific systems theories that are relevant in the business context, as well as learn the basics of cybernetics. Students gain skills to use the graph theory constructs necessary for modelling of system structure and are introduced to the systems approach to the management of organizations, as well as the living and viable systems theories..
Content Full- and part-time intramural studies Part time extramural studies
Contact hours Independent work Contact hours Independent work
Basics of systems theory. 20 32 0 0
Cybernetics approach to systems thinking. 16 20 0 0
Systems structure: representation and analysis. 12 20 0 0
Systems approach to management of organizations. 8 12 0 0
Living and viable systems. 8 12 0 0
Total: 64 96 0 0
Goals and objectives
of the course in terms
of competences and skills
The goal of the study course is to provide knowledge about systems theory and its applications in the context of business informatics. The objectives of the study course are: 1) to acquaint with the basics of the general and specific systems theories; 2) to provide knowledge about the basics of cybernetics; 3) to develop skills to create and analyse models of system structure; 4) to acquaint with the systems approach to the management of organizations; 5) to acquaint with the basic concepts of the living and viable systems theories.
Learning outcomes
and assessment
Can classify real-world systems according to different classification criteria, being able to identify business goals which are supportable by ICT solutions. - In the theoretical part of the examination, students must classify a given set of real-world systems according to different criteria and identify business goals which are supportable by ICT solutions.
Can interpret basic concepts of systems theory concerning real-world systems and are able to identify business problems which are solvable by ICT solutions. - In the tasks of the coursework, students must identify elements of systems thinking, components of system description and subsystems in a real-world system and business problems which are solvable by ICT solutions.
Knows the laws and principles of systems, being able to use appropriate technologies for development of organization/enterprise improvement strategies. - In the theoretical part of the examination, students must define the laws and principles of systems.
Understands the basic principles of cybernetic control of systems, being able to model and analyse business processes and information flows using appropriate technologies. - In a task of the coursework, students must identify mechanisms of system control, open and closed control loops and types of feedback.
Can construct models of system structure and carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of enterprise and business architectures. - In a task of the coursework, students must construct a model of enterprise and business architecture structure and carry out its qualitative and quantitative analysis. In the practical part of the examination, students must carry out the qualitative and quantitative analysis of a given structure.
Knows applications of systems approach to management of organizations and can interpret business concepts in computer science and ICT terms, and vice versa. - In the theoretical part of the examination, students must explain examples of application of systems approach to management of organizations in the context of business informatics.
Knows the basic notions of living and viable systems and can identify business problems which are solvable by ICT solutions. - In the theoretical part of the examination, students must explain the essence of living and viable systems and for a given system must identify business problems which are solvable by ICT solutions.
Evaluation criteria of study results
Coursework - 50%
Theoretical part of the examination - 35%
Practical part of the examination - 15%
Course prerequisites Not necessary.
Course planning
Part CP ECTS Hours Tests
Lectures Practical Lab. Test Exam Work
1 4.0 6.0 3.0 1.0 0.0 *

[Extended course information PDF]